Make your bed

Photo by Alessandro A. Dias on Unsplash
Photo by Alessandro A. Dias on Unsplash

First thing

I once heard always make your bed after you get up. It’s a small task and a first success of the day, this will get you started for the rest of the day. So I always do that (and after that I look in the mirror and say to myself, we’re not going to fuck up today.)

the source

When I told somebody I did this every morning I wondered where this story came from. It appeared that admiral McRaven said this in a speech for the graduates of the university.

McRaven is a form Navy SEAL, and he is best known for his involvement in the raid on the house of Bin Laden

watch it


He gave ten lessons what you need to do to change the world.
You can not only use these lessons to change the world, but you can lower your target and try to change your life, your team, your company.

So here are the ten lessons and my intrepetation

  1. Start off by making your bed. - Always begin with a success
  2. Find someone to help you paddle. - Be a team
  3. Measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers. - Be ambitious and courageous
  4. Get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward. - Accept failure
  5. Don’t be afraid of the circuses. - Learn from your failures
  6. Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first. - Be prepared to take risks
  7. Don’t back down from the sharks. - Don't back down, stand your ground
  8. You must be your very best in the darkest moment. - Be at your best when thing are bad
  9. Start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud. - Don't despair, inspire others with hope
  10. Don’t ever, ever ring the bell. - Never quit

Watch it read it and be inspired, try to use his lessons in your daily life because as he says, If you change the lives of just 10 people, and each of them change the lives of another 10 people in five generations you will have changed the life of 100,000 people.